

One dinner at Lincoln Ristorante by Lincoln Center, we ordered aperitif that was orangecello instead of the typical limoncello. It wasn’t our first time having a different type of sweet liqueur. In fact, our first trip to Florence, I had bought meloncello and fragocello (strawberry). I had never thought to make it until I ran out of them! The horrors!
Continue reading “Mand’ricello”

Day 2 Grapefruit, Chickpea, and Quinoa Salad

Grapefruit Chickpea Quinoa Salad
I love citrus in salad but I wouldn’t say grapefruit is my favorite citrus. Blood orange or even tangerine are a better option with less bitter taste. However, grapefruits are very good to balance a very savory meal.

Since it was meatless Monday, I chose to cook MorningStar Farm’s Italian Herb Chik Patties, which are amazing but does have that savory chicken flavor.
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Day 1 Strawberry Quinoa Kale

Strawberry Quinoa Kale Salad
Most people know I hate salad. My mother never made us eat salad growing up. We had fresh vegetables and fruits or they were served within soup and stir fry. The concept of eating raw vegetables with dressings was entering foreign territory. When I first moved out of my mom’s house into college where the “salad bar” was the best that the school cafeteria could offer, I said to myself, “I’m not a rabbit. Why would I eat raw vegetables that taste like dirt?”

Okay, so I’m a little bias that Asian food does the best usage of vegetables and fruits. But it doesn’t mean that I haven’t tried some salads that have been phenomenal. It just took courage on my part to try them out.
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