2014 New Year’s Resolution

I finally got a chance to get around to making new years resolution. 2012 was a great year because I made only 3 resolution. I upped to 6 resolutions for 2013 and it didn’t turn out well. The only resolution I was able to keep was waking up at 7AM every day, including weekends. They say you should pick concrete and actionable resolutions but reading books and learning, well, I suppose you would need to take a class to keep up with that.
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The Concept of a Cramped Heart

When I was in college, I took a philosophy class. Specifically, Philosophy of Happiness and it was taught by a nun, since I attended a “Catholic affiliated college”—the term used in order for the school to maintain its government grants, which I partook in some of those grants. It was a very broad topic, allowing me to read into the dying art of philosophy—dying because it has been converted to new age or self help. Through my readings, I stumbled upon forgiveness, which is a highly relevant for me because it is one of the core teachings of Buddhism as I was taught but never took to heart. Forgiveness is the hardest value to learn, moreso than patience, and its worth is often overshadowed but it is the means to a road for happiness and true fulfillment.
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Empty Compliments and Empty Pockets

I always believed that love would be enough to keep a relationship binding. I believed that if I loved him enough, maybe even more a smidgeon more than him, I could keep the relationship together. I would shower him with compliments, praises, and gifts, and all my love. Isn’t that what all the movies have shown?

But as I grew up and had my own relationships and watched others’ relationship, I started to see that love is never enough. It’s enough only during the happy and stable moments. But what happens when you are in a financial strait or emotional trauma?
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Move to Astoria

Finally, moved into to my own apartment!

I used to live alone for a long time. For over 4 years in fact and loved every moment of it. When the opportunity arose that my old college roommate needed a roommate in her parents house, I moved in, giving up much of my autonomy, but enjoyed her company and having our dogs as playmates.
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How I Met Mr. Darcy

I love listening to couples recount their first meeting, especially those with mileage. More often than naught, the stories are retold with an element of comedy.

One man said he would never marry an Italian woman but his wife of 40+ years is this soft spoken, gentle Italian woman, one-of-a-kind! How romantic that their first encounter was on a beach in Somalia where she was teaching and he was working.

A friend told me that her now husband stared at her the first time they met but never approached her. He got her number from a friend and they wrote long, long emails.

Sometimes, I wish love letters still existed.
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My niece, Lilah

For a long time, I never wanted children. I never wanted a marriage. I wanted love. I wanted to be with someone. But marriage and children were commitments that I was not confident I could fulfill and keep. They say you are the product of your parents. Therefore, would not a divorced family create more divorces? Would I want to be a divorcee straddled with children? It seemed ridiculous!
Continue reading “Mini-me!”

Mr. Darcy and Me

I <3 Mr. Darcy

The first time I heard of Pride and Prejudice, I was 13 years old. It was a boring weekend and I decided to watch TV. We didn’t grow up with cable and a million channels so it was PBS, my turn-to-trusted network! They were airing the 1960s black and white version of Pride and Prejudice. I was hooked! I went to the library in search for book to read it because I wanted more. It’s so different from the movie—but so much better. And that was the first time I fell in love. With Mr. Darcy—at the tender age of 13.
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