One dinner last week, someone asked me when I wake up/sleep and I answered 6AM/1030PM to which she respond, that is so early!
To be honest, on my own, I would stay up way too late and would have to drag myself to get to work on time. I know I’m definitely not a morning person or a night person but more an evening person. It started me thinking about whether one being a morning or night person has to do with one’s birth time because I was born in the evening!
So I did a very unscientific experiment and begged all my friends to tell me birth time versus their productive time. You can also tell I have very limited friends due to my antisocial tendency.
It turns out that my hypothesis was 62.5% correct (if you can call data from of a pool 10 people data-worthy). Most of the people who weren’t born near midnight and midday seemed to have a birth and productivity time correlation. Since being an evening baby, I found not only is my productivity time around evening, it is also when I’m mentally awake, alert, and most active without the need of caffeine.
If we are ruled by our birth time on Earth, how would it work if we were in space then?